Dem 51
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GOP 49
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This Week in Republican Whackadoodlery, Part I: Migrant Fights

This weekend, Donald Trump was speaking to a group of Christians (or, perhaps we should write "Christians") in Washington, DC. And, going off on one of his many tangents, he related this "hilarious" anecdote from a meeting he supposedly had with Ultimate Fighting Championship president Dana White (a well-known Trumper):

I said, Dana, I have an idea. Why don't you set up a migrant League of fighters and have your regular league of fighters, and then you have the champion of your league. These are the greatest fighters in the world. Fight the champion of the migrants. I think the migrant guy might win. That's how tough they are. He didn't like that idea too much. But actually, it's not the worst idea I've ever had. No... it's... These are tough people. These people are tough, and they're nasty. Mean. It's incredible that they come totally unchecked.

Reportedly, the crowd was delighted by the story.

Needless to say, this sort of talk—whether it's meant as a joke, or seriously—casts migrants in the role of sub-human animals. It would seem the "Christians" in the audience did not recall the whole Christians vs. lions shtick from Roman history. Oh, and it's worth noting that the Romans started having people fight without their consent for the pleasure of the masses right around the time that they dropped the whole republic thing and became a dictatorship. Hmmmm...

We dislike giving oxygen to the crazy stuff that comes out of Trump's mouth. But we pass this one along, because it's a really good reminder of the kind of person he is in general, and the way he views immigrants in particular. Sometimes, such reminders are called for. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates