Dem 51
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GOP 49
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It's Debate Week!

The stars have aligned in such a way that this week's presidential debate could be the most impactful in recent memory. Maybe the most impactful ever. So, we'll probably have an item each day this week, running down that day's storylines. Here's the first round:

And there you have the weekend's storylines.

Also over the weekend, we asked the readership if they would prefer we liveblog the debate, as opposed to doing a write-up after. The response was substantial and it was a massive landslide—we're talking 98% here. And what that 98% said was "stick with the write-up." Many readers explained their (very solid) reasoning. For example, reader A.H. in Newberg, OR:

My $6.45

There is enough live commentary out there on every other website and cable channel as well as the blogosphere. does analysis and write up exceedingly well (IMHO), stick with what you do best.

Side note: $6.45 will buy you a Venti Hazelnut Latte with non-fat milk and whipped cream on top at Starbucks, but that is for GAWD. I will stick with and a classic Oregon Kraft IPA.

If anyone tells you inflation is no big deal, just point out to them that "my two cents" is now "my $6.45." That's an increase of 32,250%! Anyhow, we chose A.H.'s response as an example because it was short and pithy. Other respondents pointed out that liveblogging is only useful for people who are going to watch the debate in real time, or that it doesn't allow for broader conclusions to be drawn, or that it's hard to pay attention to a debate AND a liveblog at the same time.

With that said, there is at least one reader who said it might be nice to have an online chat with other readers. If that is of interest to you, here are the details provided by that reader, B.J. in Arlington, MA:

I suggest that the interested readership of this site have a live chat during the debate. I've created a chat room on Slack for this purpose. Anyone can join via this invite link:

When you sign up, set your "display name" to your initials and location, like on the weekend posts, so we can recognize each other and also to preserve everyone's privacy. For example, I've set mine to "B.J. in Arlington, MA."

After accepting the invitation to join the chat room, join the #debate-june2024 channel. The direct link to that channel is I'll be in the room on Thursday, as soon as I get my kids to bed (which may or may not be by 9:00 p.m. ET).

We hope that some readers find that option appealing.

Also, there were several requests to do something along the lines of "debate bingo" again. That's possible, but we could use assistance in two ways. First, if you have ideas for what the bingo items should be, please send individual suggestions or lists to, ideally with subject line "Bingo Squares." Note that the suggestions should be things that are reasonably likely to come up, and that are basically indisputable when they do happen. For example, "Biden cabinet member mentioned by name" or "Someone says 'MAGA.'" Also, note that we would need these suggestions by Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. PDT in order to pull things together in time.

The second thing we could use help with is if a few readers were willing to watch the debate for when the squares are actually checked off. If you're up for that duty, let us know at, ideally with the subject line "scorekeeping."

More debate news tomorrow, undoubtedly. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates