Dem 51
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GOP 49
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These Are the Least-Liked Candidates in Decades

It's 2024: The year of the double haters. More people dislike both presidential candidates than in any year since pollsters began asking the question. In second place is 2016, the Don and Hill show. Oddly enough, people didn't hate the candidates as much in 2020, although to the best of our memory, there were great similarities with the current candidates.

Percentage of voters who hated both candidates by year

It should be noted that the survey was conducted before Trump was convicted in New York. There may be some moderate Republicans who never liked Biden and now also have soured on Trump to become double haters.

The approval ratings of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are at historical lows. In 1988, for example, Michael Dukakis was at 66% and George H.W. Bush was at 51%. Now Biden is at 37% and Trump is at 39%. People really don't like either one. A lot of this is the increased partisanship now. Dukakis and Bush supporters didn't like the other candidate's policies but few people thought that the election of the other candidate would mean the end of the country as we now know it. Now practically everyone thinks that. In 1988, 27% of Republicans had a favorable view of Dukakis. Now 8% of Republicans have a favorable view of Biden. Similarly, in 1988, 50% of Democrats had a favorable view of George H.W. Bush (who they saw as an honorable and decent person whose policies they disliked). Now only 6% of Democrats have a favorable view of Trump. What a change! (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates