Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Poll on Verdict Shows Country is Still Badly Split

A quickie Ipsos/ABC poll conducted after the verdict came down in the hush-money case shows that 50% think the verdict was correct and 49% want to see Trump end his campaign. However, 47% think the charges were politically motivated. Additionally, 51% of respondents think that Trump did something wrong intentionally, 12% think he did something wrong, but not intentionally, and 19% think he did nothing wrong.

On the favorability question, Trump's favorability rating stands at 31%. Joe Biden, at 32%, edges him out. Clearly, a lot of people do not have positive feelings about the candidates. Consequently, the election could come down to who the double-haters hate more. An ominous sign for Trump is that among the double-haters, 65% think the verdict was correct. Among independents, 52% think the verdict was correct.

CBS also sponsored a poll conducted by YouGov. It asked if Trump got a fair trial. Nationally, 56% said yes and 44% said no. But the breakdown was exceedingly partisan. A full 96% of Democrats said it was fair vs. 54% of independents, and only 14% of Republicans. On the question of whether Trump is fit to be president, 40% said yes, 51% said no, and 8% were not sure. On the question of whether Trump should go to prison, 45% said no, 38% said yes, and 17% were not sure. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates