Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Today's Presidential Polls

Kamala Harris continues to get a lot of good polls, given that she's only been the Democrats' candidate for about a week. Yes, it's possible she's in a honeymoon phase right now, and that her numbers are artificially high. But, again, it's also possible that she's got room to grow her support, whereas Donald Trump probably doesn't.

The question of "northern" vs. "southern" route continues to be an interesting one. The numbers in Michigan and New Hampshire argue for "northern." On the other hand, the numbers in Pennsylvania (not great) and Nevada argue for "southern." (Z)

State Kamala Harris Donald Trump Start End Pollster
Arizona 47% 49% Jul 29 Jul 30 PPP
Arizona 49% 47% Jul 24 Jul 28 Morning Consult
Florida 42% 49% Jul 24 Jul 27 U. of North Florida
Georgia 47% 47% Jul 24 Jul 28 Morning Consult
Georgia 48% 47% Jul 29 Jul 30 PPP
Michigan 53% 42% Jul 24 Jul 28 Morning Consult
North Carolina 46% 48% Jul 24 Jul 28 Morning Consult
New Hampshire 50% 46% Jul 26 Jul 28 Emerson Coll.
Nevada 47% 45% Jul 24 Jul 28 Morning Consult
Pennsylvania 46% 50% Jul 24 Jul 28 Morning Consult
Pennsylvania 47% 48% Jul 29 Jul 30 PPP
Wisconsin 49% 47% Jul 24 Jul 24 Morning Consult
Wisconsin 49% 47% Jul 24 Jul 28 Morning Consult

Click on a state name for a graph of its polling history.

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates