Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Elon Musk Shares a Deepfake Video on eX-Twitter

The owner of eX-Twitter, Elon Musk is going all in for Donald Trump. He recently reposted an altered version of an ad made by the Kamala Harris campaign. The original ad talked about freedom. The deepfake version changed some of the video and used an AI-synthesized voiceover to have her say things like Joe Biden is senile and she doesn't know the first thing about running the country. Here are the original ad (on the left) and the deepfake (on the right):


What is noteworthy here is that the fake ad violates eX-Twitter's policy on synthetic media and misleading postings. However, that policy (apparently) does not apply to people who own the platform. If the deepfake ad is challenged in court, Musk will no doubt claim that it is a parody, which is protected by the First Amendment. There are surely going to be many more deepfakes in the next 3 months. Buyer beware. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates