Dem 51
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GOP 49
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This Week in Schadenfreude: Even the Ruby Red States Are Laughing

We prepared this for last Friday, and then ran out of time to actually write it up. So, we're just going to use it this week.

As you will know, if you read our write-ups, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was pictured on the floor of the Republican convention on Monday (harassing Kevin McCarthy), and then gave a speech a couple of days later. The difference in his appearance, across those two days, was... striking:

He looks normal on Monday,
and then on Wednesday has flat, one-tone skin and eyebrows that look penciled on

This instantly launched a million memes, and we went through and picked the 10 best. So:

  1. Note, This Is From One of His Colleagues:

    RNC debuts first Al powered inflatable sex doll to speak at a national convention.

  2. Score One for Biden:

    BREAKING: Matt Gaetz demands Biden unlock the Strategic Botox Reserve

  3. And Score Another One for Biden:

    Just remember, it was Joe Biden's infrastructure bill that paid for the expansion of Matt Gaetz' forehead.

  4. I Can't Put My Finger on It...:

    So I noticed that both 'Butthead' and 'Eddie Munster' are trending... and it's because it looks like Matt Gaetz might be having some sort of an identity crisis.

  5. Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations:

    This reminds of when on @StarTrek the same actor keeps coming back to play completely different roles. Like here we clearly see Matt Gaetz on the left playing a corrupt Starfleet Admiral, while on the right he's playing a Romulan spy.

  6. Has Anyone Seen Jim Carrey and Gaetz in the Same Room?:

    Matt Gaetz looks tremendous at the RNC tonight! (picture of a man in a green mask)

  7. Vegas Act, Part I:

    Matt Gaetz is two white tigers and a life partner from having a Vegas act.

  8. Vegas Act, Part II:

    Picture of Gaetz' head grafted onto the body of Liberace

  9. Vegas Act, Part III:

    Wayne Newton and David Hasselhoff had a baby and it grew up to be Matt Gaetz

  10. Ouch:

    you know the 'back alley' that republicans want you to get your abortions in? that's where matt gaetz got his botox done

In general, it's not nice to make fun of someone's appearance. However, Gaetz is a giant putz. Further, it's not so much his appearance that is being mocked; it's his clumsy attempt to reinvent himself while thinking nobody would notice. Further, Gaetz himself has mocked other people's appearances, particularly those of women he does not like. So, we're going to disregard the normal nicety, and enjoy a little schadenfreude at the expense of the terrible work he had done. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates