Dem 51
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GOP 49
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What Goes Around, Comes Around

All year, Donald Trump has been harping on the fact that Joe Biden is the oldest president ever and in poor health. And if reelected, Trump decreed, Biden would be well into his 80s and declining. Now that Biden is out of the way, there is renewed scrutiny of Trump's age and health. Trump is now the oldest presidential candidate in history and has a history of heart disease and obesity. He has not released his bloodwork or other detailed information on his health and people are starting to demand it.

There is no requirement for a candidate to release medical information, but a refusal to do so could cause voters to wonder why. In the case of Trump, Democrats will soon be harping on the fact that he is the oldest candidate in history and not at all transparent about his health. In 2015, Trump's doctor, Harold Bornstein, released a letter saying that Trump would be the healthiest president ever—even more so than Teddy Roosevelt. Bornstein later revealed that Trump had dictated the entire letter to him, word for word. Bornstein died (of embarrassment?) in 2021.

In 2018, Trump's then-doctor, Ronny Jackson, noted that Trump's coronary calcium score was 133, up from 34 in 2009. CNN's medical correspondent, Sanjay Gupta, said that a value of 133 meant that Trump had heart disease. Trump also released his weight. At 244 pounds, he is clinically obese. Since then, Trump has not released any medical information. Trump has said he aced cognitive tests, but has not produced any reports from any doctor stating that. Trump also has increased risk of Alzheimer's, since his father had it and there is a genetic predisposition to it. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates