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RNC, Day 4: Trump Speaks (and Speaks, and Speaks, and Speaks...)

It was Donald Trump's day to shine, and he squeezed it for all it's worth, giving an acceptance speech that lasted more than 90 minutes. That's longer than the longest State of the Union address (Bill Clinton; 1:28:49 in January 2000), it is longer than the longest candidate acceptance speech (Trump; 1:33:00 in July 2016), and it's in competition with the longest inaugural address (William Henry Harrison; approx. 1:45:00 in March 1841).

Here is the C-SPAN feed of the fourth and final primetime RNC session:

Warning: Viewer discretion is advised. As rough as the first 3 days of the convention were to watch, the fourth day was hands-down the worst. As an alternative, reader S.B. in Los Angeles, CA, writes: "I saw the wind blowing some of those blades of grass and it was too much for me. I was looking for 10 hours of a car rusting and came across this instead which actually captures my sentiment when trying to watch the RNC":

Alternatively, D.E. in Lancaster, PA, suggests this:

D.E. observes: "Two hours of beautiful peaceful snowfall to help one prepare for an administration with even more whiteness."

And now, our remarks on Day 4:

  1. The Story: On Wednesday, (Z) made reference to the time he was shot at with a gun similar to the one used by the would-be assassin of Trump. He would have included the story in that post, but time was tight. So, he'll tell it now (the shortened version), because it's semi-relevant to this rundown.

    In August 1992, a friend of (Z)'s from his high school theater class was directing a Shakespeare in the Park production of Twelfth Night. A couple of days before the play's 2-day run commenced, one of the actors dropped out, and the friend called (Z), knowing well that (Z) could (and can) learn lines and blocking very quickly when necessary.

    Opening day was August 29; the play took place on the outdoor stage in Recreation Park, which is located in Long Beach, CA. Readers who know the area will know that there is a curved street that bisects the park; the stage basically bumps up against the street so performers can unload props and scenery. Here is a satellite picture:

    greenery surrounds an ampitheater area, there is a 
street to the north of the ampitheater

    The first day of the play basically went well. In the final scene, all the actors were on stage, as tends to be the case with Shakespeare plays. (Z), by virtue of the role he was playing, happened to be the first character to exit, about two-thirds of the way through the final scene. He descended the staircase located stage right, and heard what seemed to be fireworks. His initial thought: "Those are not very good fireworks."

    He then looked over at the copse of trees that (partly) appear in the top left corner of the image. There were two young men standing next to them, both wearing black jeans, white t-shirts and black baseball caps. One of them turned around and ran away at top speed. The other pitched forward. (Z)'s thought: "Hmmm. That's odd."

    At that point, (Z) turned to his right, so he was looking at the street (Federation Dr.), roughly where the walkway meets the street. He saw three young men, in similar attire, hopping out of the bed of a white pickup truck with black objects in their hands. (Z)'s thought: "Hey, those look like guns. That would mean that wasn't fireworks, it was gunfire. Which means this is a drive-by shooting, and I am the only witness. Perhaps I should hit the ground."

    Readers are free to believe this or not, but there was no fear involved here. Because (Z) was still in "play" mode, his mind never fully shifted gears, and so the whole thing was more like watching a movie than anything else. Seconds after he got down and covered his head, the shooters sent several bullets in his direction. The purpose was clearly to intimidate, and not to kill, because the shots were not well-aimed, with the closest striking the ground 3 or 4 feet from him.

    Once the shooters climbed aboard their truck and departed, pretty much everyone in the park froze. There were hundreds of people who knew something had happened, but nobody really did anything. So, (Z) ran over to the fallen individual by the tree, and it was clear he was dead, having been struck in the forehead by a bullet. Cell phones were not a thing in 1992, so (Z) ran to the nearest pay phone and called 911. Despite the effort to intimidate, (Z) nonetheless spoke to the police and told them what happened. That said, as far as he knows, the perpetrators were never caught.

    There's a second half to the story, but it's not germane to our current purposes, and this is already somewhat long. The second half is pretty good; it involves police racism, an angry grandmother, gay pornography, an arrogant newspaper editor and the only time (Z) ever had an armed security detail. Maybe next week. For now, we'll just end the way that (Z) ends when he tells the story to his California history students: "And that's the story of how I became the only person in human history to be shot at in a drive-by while wearing Elizabethan clothing."

  2. The Daily Grindr: Speaking of gay pornography or, at least, gay sex, many readers will know that Grindr is the dating app for LGTBQ people, particularly GBT people, and even more particularly GBT people who are looking for casual hookups.

    A month or so ago, we made a remark about how there would be a fair amount of illicit gay sex taking place at the RNC. And we were chastised by some readers for making a homophobic joke. But it wasn't a joke at all, and was never intended as such. For many attendees who are living a less-than-honest straight life, the convention offers one of their few opportunities to follow their hearts without prying eyes looking on.

    This has proven to be the case again in 2024. This week, a Grindr executive described the RNC as "basically Grindr's Super Bowl," and the service currently has no shortage of profiles like this one:

    It says: 'DL. Military 26.
Near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Taken. Here for a week. Looking to see what I'm missing. Size 13 if it matters.

    Assuming that the profile is legit, and it probably is, then it's not terribly likely that this soldier's friends know about his orientation. It's even less likely that the person who "took" him knows. Anyhow, Grindr is pushing so much traffic in Milwaukee that yesterday, its Milwaukee servers crashed.

    Obviously, we have no issue with people who want to do whatever they want to do with other consenting adults. However, as we pointed out yesterday, an ongoing theme of this convention is hypocrisy, and this is another form of it. It's B.S. to spend your day talking about monitoring people's morality/sex lives, and then to spend your night hooking up with people on Grindr.

  3. Tipping Point: Speaking of hypocrisy, one of the few clear-cut policy proposals that Donald Trump has during this campaign is a promise to end taxes on tips. He's mentioned it many times, including in his speech yesterday.

    As with many of his promises, this one is fairly empty. First, there's no guarantee he will follow up on it, should he regain the reins of power. Second, even if he tries, he has no particular skill at getting things he wants through Congress. Third, even if he gets such a law passed, it won't matter to most workers, since most of them (80%+) don't earn enough to pay federal income tax on their wages. Far better would be an increase in the federal minimum wage (currently $2.13 per hour for tipped employees). Of course, there is zero chance that Trump or any other Republican president would touch that with a 10-foot pole.

    A break on taxes matters even less if... workers don't get tips in the first place. And that's where the hypocrisy comes in; despite the RNC's ostensible pro-worker posture, eX-Twitter is full of posts like this one right now:

    Uber driver tells me that nobody he picked up for the RNC has tipped him.
This has also been confirmed by bartenders, waiters, and strippers in town in general, nobody from the RNC is tipping service workers a dime.

    We have no doubt that at least some conventioneers are tipping the people who serve them. But we also have no doubt that many of them are not doing so. This comports with a pretty well-established truth of life in Washington, DC, that a Republican administration means belt-tightening time for service workers.

  4. Music: The convention organizers really pulled out the stops on Thursday, supplementing the house band playing other people's songs with actual artists playing their own songs. Kid Rock performed; (Z) saw him in concert about 20 years ago, and... wow, his voice is shot. What wears black, is white trash, and is red all over? Kid Rock.

    Lee Greenwood was also there, to perform "God Bless the USA." Is there ANY song worse than that one? We don't object to patriotic songs, but this one feels like what you would dash off if told "You have 2 minutes to write a patriotic song or you die!" How about some nuance, or some compelling imagery, like "This Land is Your Land" or "America the Beautiful"? Rolling Stone once declared "We Built this City" by Starship to be the worst song ever recorded, but they made that determination before the Greenwood song became well known. The competition will be fierce once the magazine updates that particular list.

  5. Tucker Carlson: It's not just the politicians who have to get up on stage and eat sh** in hopes of preserving their future career aspirations, it's media members, too. Now that Tucker Carlson is an independent broadcaster, his only hope at remaining relevant is his ability to score interviews with Trump. And those interviews will only be of interest if Trump is a president, as opposed to being an inmate. And so Carlson came out to talk about what an AMAZING guy Trump is, and how he (Carlson) can't imagine why he might ever have thought otherwise.

  6. Hulkamania: A prime speaking spot, more prime than any non-Trump politician got, was given to a man who made his living staging fake wrestling matches. There were also speeches from a wrestling executive, a mixed martial arts executive, and two golf pros (NOT pro golfers, mind you, golf pros). This says something about the modern-day Republican Party, or about modern-day American politics, or both.

  7. Eric Trump: Donald Jr. spoke on Wednesday, and Eric spoke on Thursday, and both of them spent roughly 10 minutes reciting a list of reasons their dad is the awesomest. Translation: "Please love me."

  8. Dana White: In general, the more experience one has with public speaking, the better one gets at it. Makes sense, right? That said, the rule is not universal by any means. We wrote yesterday about how good Shabbos Kestenbaum was, despite his young age, and—we presume—lack of experience. And then there is the other side of the coin. Dana White has VAST experience speaking in front of cameras and large crowds, and yet he was AWFUL yesterday. Shouting every single word may work when you're peddling combat sports. It does not work at a political convention.

  9. Donald Trump: We write this entire (lengthy) section starting with a pretty basic presumption—the point of a convention, and in particular the point of the speech from the nominee, is to attract some votes to the ticket. Yes, firing up the base is good. But if you don't get votes beyond that, particularly if you're Donald Trump, you've got trouble. He himself seemed to recognize this, as he said before the convention that he had rewritten his speech to focus more on unity and bringing people together.

    Speaking from that vantage point, Trump's speech was an absolute disaster. We wrote the critical assessment of Dana White to raise the point that even experienced public speakers blow it sometimes (we've written the same about Joe Biden). Trump has been a showman, of various sorts, for half a century. And between his business career, his reality TV career, and his political career, last night was most certainly not his first rodeo. And yet he blew it.

    Stylistically, there were three problems with his speech. The first, which we already alluded to, is that it was way too long. (Z) has a pretty set presentation that he gives on the first day of classes, and as part of that presentation, one of the first things he says is: "The human mind is not designed to passively absorb information for 60 or 90 or 120 straight minutes. So, there will always be some sort of film clip or discussion or musical selection inserted into the lecture, so as to change gears a bit." Last night, Trump prattled on, and on, and on. By the end, the cameras caught some people in the audience dozing off, and others exiting the convention hall early.

    The second problem with the speech was the delivery. It was, on the whole, very flat. If the speech had been delivered by Joe Biden, using that same affect, we 100% guarantee that Trump would have slurred him as "Sleepy Joe."

    The third problem was, for lack of a better term, a lack of structure. It was often hard to follow what point Trump was making, or how what he was saying related to what he had just said. The fact that he "wrote" a speech (presumably that means he had a speech written for him) implies that he was reading from a teleprompter. But we seriously, seriously doubt that was the case for much of the speech. It seemed to us that he was working from the teleprompter for a few minutes, and then freestyling for many minutes more, before going back to the prepared text. This is not a way to keep people engaged.

    And now, having covered the stylistic problems, let's talk a bit about the substance:

    We say again, we don't know what Trump was trying to accomplish, or what he actually did accomplish. We'll just conclude with one observation: A lot of the things we talk about here are somewhat subjective; reasonable minds can disagree about his delivery, or some of his messaging. But going on way, way, way too long? That's an objective question, and the fact that he could not limit himself suggests that we're right back to a place where the needs of his ego and the needs of his political career are in conflict, with the ego often winning.

  10. Melania Trump: The former first lady was begged to give a speech yesterday, and flatly refused. Why? Who knows? Maybe she just hates public speaking. Maybe she couldn't find yet another Michelle Obama speech to plagiarize. Maybe she only does the bare minimum spelled out in her pre-nup. She did show up in Milwaukee, however, and she joined her husband on stage at the end of his endless speech. You should really click on her name, and watch the portion of the proceedings where they greeted each other. Was it a kiss? An embrace? Hard to tell, but it would be hard to convey less affection than the Trumps did. It looked more like the maître d' greeting a well-heeled customer at a fancy restaurant.

And there it is. Four days up, four days down. Thank God. And Jesus. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates