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TrumpWatch 2024

Donald Trump has largely remained off-the-radar for the past week or two, which means there hasn't been much to write about when it comes to him. But, with the Republican National Convention right around the corner, the spotlight is going to be back on him whether he likes it or not. Which, let's be honest, he likes it a lot. Remaining quiet for so long must have been killing him.

On that point, the former president weighed in yesterday on George Clooney's op-ed:

So now fake movie actor George Clooney, who never came close to making a great movie, is getting into the act. He's turned on Crooked Joe like the rats they both are. What does Clooney know about anything? He uses the Democrat "talking point" that Biden, the WORST President in the history of the United States, has "saved our Democracy." No, Crooked Joe was the one who WEAPONIZED Law Enforcement against his political Opponent, who created the most devastating INFLATION in the history of our Country, who Embarrassed our Nation in Afghanistan, and whose crazy Open Border Policy has allowed millions of people to illegally pour into our Country, many from prisons and mental institutions. Crooked Joe Biden didn't save our Democracy, he brought our Democracy to its knees. Clooney should get out of politics and go back to television. Movies never really worked for him!!!

First of all, we are not sure what a "fake movie actor" is. Does that mean that when Clooney is playing Batman or Michael Clayton or Danny Ocean, he's only pretending to act, because he actually IS those people? Beyond that, if someone says that your opponent should not be running for office, that would seem to be a time to agree with them wholeheartedly, as opposed to writing a screed about what an idiot that person is, and how their opinion is worthless.

In other Trump news, CNN reported yesterday that Melania Trump has agreed to attend the Convention next week. We cannot think of any other presidential wife who dithered in this way, at least not since candidates and their wives began attending conventions in the 1890s. Jane Pierce would surely have taken a pass in 1852, but nominees and their wives did not go to the conventions back then. In fact, no women went to the conventions back then. In any case, does it say something about Trump as a person that he has to plead with his wife (or is it his "wife"?) to show up for the convention? Perhaps.

Moving along, the Democrats seem to be getting on the case when it comes to Project 2025. Yesterday, the Biden campaign launched a website and posted a very short video to social media, both speaking to the evils of Project 2025. Surely, there will be much more of this coming down the pike, though we continue to believe it would be more impactful if it appeared to be pro-Project 2025 material coming from a pro-Trump source.

Trump, for his part, continues to insist that he is ignorant of Project 2025:

I know nothing about Project 2025. I have not seen it, have no idea who is in charge of it, and, unlike our very well received Republican Platform, had nothing to do with it. The Radical Left Democrats are having a field day, however, trying to hook me into whatever policies are stated or said. It is pure disinformation on their part. By now, after all of these years, everyone knows where I stand on EVERYTHING!

Anybody who believes that, let us know, because there's a Nigerian prince who needs to expatriate his millions, and who would be willing to share with you for the low, low sum of $1,000. For those who do not believe it, well, CNN had a story yesterday telling you how right you are. They found that well over 100 former Trump staffers have played some role in shaping the document, including some people in close orbit to the former president, like Mark Meadows and Stephen Miller.

And finally, we would be remiss if we did not note that The New York Times eddi board finally wrote an editorial calling for Trump to drop out of the presidential race. Under the headline "DONALD TRUMP IS UNFIT TO LEAD," the board declares:

Election Day is less than four months away. The case against Mr. Trump is extensive, and this board urges Americans to perform a simple act of civic duty in an election year: Listen to what Mr. Trump is saying, pay attention to what he did as president and allow yourself to truly inhabit what he has promised to do if returned to office.

Voters frustrated by inflation and immigration or attracted by the force of Mr. Trump's personality should pause and take note of his words and promises. They have little to do with unity and healing and a lot to do with making the divisions and anger in our society wider and more intense than they already are.

The Republican Party is making its choice next week; soon all Americans will be able to make their own choice. What would Mr. Trump do in a second term? He has told Americans who he is and shown them what kind of leader he would be.

When someone fails so many foundational tests, you don't give him the most important job in the world.

We cannot help but wonder if the newspaper has been bombarded by complaints about their recent anti-Biden imbalance, and felt compelled to course-correct a bit. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates