Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Gavin Newsom Is Campaigning

Jill Biden is not the only one on the spot now. So is Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA). He would love to be president, only he was thinking about Jan. 20, 2029, not Jan. 20, 2025. But suddenly the latter date might become an option. So far, he has been extremely supportive of Joe Biden. He has to be. Anything else would make him seem like a traitor and he knows that. He has dismissed all calls for Biden to drop out. He also raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Biden after the debate. A reputation as a loyal Democrat could pay off down the road.

Newsom traveled to the White House yesterday, along with other governors, to have a chat with the president, and also take his temperature. When reporters ask him about his presidential ambitions, he always says: "I am not running for president this year." He probably means it, although if there is a wide-open convention with multiple candidates, he would probably throw his hat in the ring.

Now here is the problem for Newsom: He would probably benefit from a Trump victory. Suppose Trump wins. Who will represent the Democrats? Not the candidate he defeated, be it Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. And probably not the fuddy-duddy Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), especially if he is no longer majority leader. How about a charismatic governor of the most populous state? He would jump into the fray and be in the news all the time attacking Trump and the Republicans. As governor of a big state, he would fight Trump tooth and nail. He would direct the California AG to sue the federal government constantly.

Suppose Trump began enforcing the 19th century Comstock Act, which bans the interstate shipment of abortifacients. Newsom would go on television to announce a program to distribute the mifepristone pills that he has already stockpiled in state to any California woman who wanted an abortion. This would make Trump furious—and Newsom look like the leader of the Democrats.

But as long as Biden is running Newsom has to be 100% behind him and he knows this very well. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates