Dem 51
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GOP 49
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A Bad Sign for Boebert

Last week, a group called "Colorado Politics" held a Republican candidates debate in CO-04. Eight wannabe members of Congress, along with one sitting member of Congress, namely Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), showed up to mostly shout over each other. After, the members of the audience participated in a straw poll where they indicated their preferred candidate at the moment. Boebert finished... fifth.

Here are the (partial) results of the straw poll:

Candidate Votes
Logan County Commissioner Jerry Sonnenberg 22
State Rep. Mike Lynch 20
Radio host Deborah Flora 18
State Rep. Richard Holtorf 17
Boebert 12
Businessman Peter Yu 11
Former state Sen. Ted Harvey Less than 10
Weld County Council member Trent Leisy Less than 10
Former congressional staffer Chris Phelen Less than 10

For some reason, maybe to help the candidates save face, Colorado Politics only reported the last three totals as "single digits." There were 117 ballots cast, and the reported totals add up to 100, so those last three averaged 5.67 votes each.

We do not need to tell readers of this site that you can't put TOO much stock in a poll that involves only 117 people. That said, Boebert's total, particularly for someone with her name recognition, is really bad—she got only 10% of the vote. Further, "the people willing to show up to a House candidates' debate on a random Thursday night" are surely not a representative sample of the population. However, they probably are a pretty good proxy for the hardcore base. And those are the people who donate money, who knock on doors, and who make damn sure to vote in primary elections.

If we do take this as a sign that Boebert's carpetbaggery is not playing well with the denizens of her adopted "home" district, then she's really got her work cut out for her if she wants to save her career. The Colorado primary is just less than 5 weeks away. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates