Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Ronna Romney McDaniel Sticks to the Plan...

Now that the South Carolina GOP primary is in the rearview mirror, RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel has done as she promised and resigned her post. The Party has some sort of retreat/training event next weekend, and managing that will be her last official duty before exiting stage right.

At nearly the same time that McDaniel made it official, North Carolina GOP Chair Michael Whatley formally announced that he will be a candidate to succeed her. Since Donald Trump wants Whatley, and since what Trump wants, Trump gets, Whatley will be your next GOP Chair. There has to be an election, but it's a mere formality. He will be approved just in time to take the reins from McDaniel on March 8.

Between McDaniel's resignation and the looming retirement of Uncle Mitt in January of next year, the Romneys will soon have no influence over the Republican Party. Which, let's be honest, is not much of a change from where things stand right now. (Z)

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