Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Biden Is Finally Campaigning Seriously

Speaking of campaigning, Joe Biden is finally seriously hitting the stump. On Tuesday he went into the lion's den: Donald Trump's home state of Florida. He doesn't seriously think he can win the state, as his former ticket-mate, Barack Obama, twice did. But he knows there are Democratic millionaires and billionaires in the Sunshine State, so he went there to raise money, just as Republicans sometimes go to California to raise money. You go where the filthy lucre is. Biden held two fundraisers. Interestingly enough, when Air Force One landed, it was on the same tarmac as Trump Force One, Trump's elderly 757 private jet. The last 757 rolled off the Boeing assembly line in 2004. Trump's was built in 1991 and he bought it fourth-hand, after it served two airlines and as a corporate jet for a while.

Biden spoke to donors in Jupiter and Miami, both of which have plenty of big fish for both parties. He didn't hold any public events, just the fundraisers. This is evidence that he is not going to seriously contest Florida, a large and expensive state that used to be a swing state. If Floridians want to see Biden in person, they are going to have to drive to Georgia, where Biden is sure to campaign vigorously. The Florida Turnpike and then the I-75 goes I from Miami to Atlanta, but it is 660 miles and a 10-hour drive.

Today Biden will be in Michigan. He received the endorsement of the UAW last week and now wants to address the members at a big rally to thank them and ask for their votes.

Michigan might be a problem for Biden because it has a large Arab-American community (2.1% of the population) and they are not too happy with his support for Israel. The ones who are aware of Trump's Middle East policy ("What Bibi wants, Bibi gets") might decide that Biden is the lesser of two evils and still (very grudgingly) vote for him. The ones who have no idea what Trump wants might vote for Trump. Biden might just bring this up during his speech.

Then there is the complicating factor that Young Jared is in bed with the Saudis, not that the Saudis with their billions have ever done anything whatsoever to help their brother Arabs, the Palestinians. In any event, Biden figures that getting the union vote will compensate for his problems with Arab Americans. And, of course, some Arab Americans are union members, which puts them on the spot.

Some members of Biden's team want to deemphasize foreign policy in Michigan and play up the historically very low unemployment rate and how he beat inflation. When addressing the union members, talking about his support for their union and other unions and how jobs are plentiful and inflation low, could change the subject from Gaza to the kitchen table, at least for some voters. Michigan is an important state but Biden's approach has to be managed carefully, more so than in, say, neighboring Wisconsin (0.3% Arab American). (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates