Dem 51
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GOP 49
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This Week in Freudenfreude: Better Man (Or, in This Case, Better Woman)

As we note above, we very much approve of Kamala Harris' decision not to engage in useless mudslinging. That is not to say she can't spar with Donald Trump, nor that she can't utilize well-crafted snark. But when it comes to an old white guy making stupid claims about her Blackness, there's just nowhere to go with that but into the gutter.

Similarly, in view of that, we decided to make use of a tip from reader J.J. in Los Angeles, CA, who is a member of a group called "Creatives for Harris." Taking note of Donald Trump's propensity for using insults, Creatives for Harris has set up a website called Insults for Good.

If you click on the link, you will see that they have put together various products meant to turn the insults of Trump (and J.D. Vance) from a negative into a positive. You can buy, for example, "Tampon Tim" stickers. Remember those "I Did This" Joe Biden stickers that people were putting on gas pumps? Well, this is the same thing, except for feminine hygiene products, so as to highlight Walz's support for putting such products in restrooms at schools.

There are other options, of course, like a Kamabla friendship bracelet, or a shirt that has a tie-dye style background and the words "Kama Kama Kama Kama Kamala-on," which is a reference to Vance slurring Harris as a "chameleon." Our favorite item is a coffee cup that says "Kamala Turned Black." Normally, it is white colored, but when you fill it, it turns black. J.J. also tells us that a button for debate watchers, that says "weird," is about to be unveiled. Oh, and all the profits will be donated to pro-Harris causes.

One of the dominant themes of modern American politics is the coarsening of the discourse. Again, we do not object to spirited disagreements or even to snark, but childish insults and vicious personal attacks add little to the discussion, and run the risk of starting a vicious cycle. So, it's nice to see these folks who are trying to respond to Trump's nasty verbiage in a manner that's positive and uplifting. Way to go, Creatives for Harris! And have a good weekend, all! (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates