Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Way over Half of Harris' Donors Did Not Give Money to Biden

In case anyone missed the fact that The Great Swap at the top of the Democratic ticket has brought in a whole bunch of new donors, newly released data show that almost 70% of the people who donated to Kamala Harris' campaign in July had not previously donated to Joe Biden's campaign. Harris has activated a whole new group of donors. Since her July donors made 2.6 million contributions averaging $69, they can each be hit up another 47 times before they hit the $3,300 limit.

The expansion of Harris' donor base was nationwide. In every single state, more than half the donors were new. The biggest increases were in the South and Midwest, probably because the Democrats' traditional base is in the Northeast and West Coast. Nevertheless, the most money came in from the traditional locations, with Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Washington leading the way with a total of $49 million in the first 10 days of her campaign. This is because the average donor in, say, San Francisco, is richer than the average donor in Jackson, MS, and can afford to make a bigger donation.

Another footnote here is that South Asian donors in Long Beach (CA), Edison (NJ) and Queens (NY) stepped up to the plate in ways they hadn't before. Also, many more donations came in from Latino neighborhoods and Black neighborhoods. These areas hadn't contributed much to Biden but are now energized.

The link above contains numerous maps showing in detail where the new money is coming from. In short, it tends to be areas where many minorities live. They might have voted for Biden, but now they are activated to also send Harris money. While money isn't the same as votes, it is a good proxy for enthusiasm and determination to vote in November. It is hard to imagine someone sending Harris $50 and then not bothering to vote for her.

This doesn't mean that white voters have lost interest. The published numbers were for July, before Tim Walz was put on the ticket. The August numbers that will be published in a week or two will show whether or not white working-class areas are also full of new donors on account of Walz. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates