Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Harris Is Running Ads Tying Trump to Project 2025

Donald Trump's former staffers were deeply involved in Project 2025. Now Trump is saying: "Project 2025? Never heard of it." He's lying through his teeth, of course. Kamala Harris isn't going to let him get away with that and is now running ads explaining the project to voters and tying it to Trump. With all these ads, it is going to be hard for him to deny knowledge of it. Here is one of the ads:

Among other topics, the ad says the plan would make Trump the most powerful president ever with the power to sic the Department of Justice on his enemies. It asserts Trump would also eliminate the Department of Education, defund K-12 schools, have the government monitor women's pregnancies to look for abortions, and slash Social Security and Medicare. It also says that Trump will try to deny it, but these are his plans. It also has a clip of him saying: "Revenge can take time" and ends with the narrator saying: "He'll take control and we'll pay the price." (V)

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