Dem 51
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GOP 49
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This Week in Freudenfreude: Still Waters Run Deep

Joe Biden first attended the DNC in 1976, and has been to every one since. If you do the math, that is 13 consecutive Democratic conventions, with #14 in 2028 being an open question.

As chance would have it, Biden is not the only person in Chicago this week who can be described in that way. It's also true of Angie Gialloreto. Who is that, you might ask? Well, at 95, she is the oldest delegate to have attended this year's Democratic National Convention.

Gialloreto, who just watched as a Black woman was nominated for President of the United States by a major political party, was born on February 27, 1929. Think about how different the world was back then:

In short, Gialloreto has seen a lot. And she's been paying attention. While the first convention she attended was in 1976, the first one she followed was the Democratic National Convention of 1944, which just so happened to be in Chicago. She was, as you can imagine, pulling for FDR to be nominated for a fourth term. She got her wish, of course, even if she could not vote for him. Her first presidential ballot was cast for Adlai Stevenson in 1952.

Gialloreto was, and remains, a huge fan of Joe Biden, as you can tell from her shirt:

It says 'Joe's Girls'

She was saddened to see him depart the ticket, but is nonetheless excited about his replacement. Her words for Harris: "Go girl! Go get them! I'm ready to go with you."

Although Gialloreto is small and stooped-over, and though she refers to herself as "Grandma Moses," there's the heart of a lion in there. She wants to see younger people do as she did, all the way back in 1944:

It's time young people should have the voice and daggonit, they better have the opportunity to express it. There's been this closed door thing. "Oh, you're too young." No! Do it. Express yourself. Let people know what you want and how you feel. I started at 15. I sure in hell am not going to stop at 95.

Would 'twere that all of us could not only make it to 95, but to be that feisty when we get there.

Have a good weekend, all! (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates