Dem 51
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GOP 49
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The Crosstabs Explain Why Harris is Surging

A deep dive into the crosstabs of the final polls of Joe Biden vs. Trump, as compared to the current Harris vs. Trump polls, explains much of Kamala Harris' surge. Here it is in one chart: Crosstabs of why Harris is surging, she's up with every demo examined, to be described in the next sentence

As you can see, Harris' has gained with all eight demographics show in the chart. Her biggest gains are with young voters (+17), Black voters (+12), and independent voters (+9). She gained with both college and noncollege voters. She is still under water with noncollege voters, but by less than Biden was.

What is perhaps not obvious, because it is so unexpected, is that Harris has both fired up her base and also won over independents. Democrats can normally choose which to go after, but policy issues that the base likes turn off independents and vice-versa. She has apparently managed to pull this off. It is really quite impressive. Some of the magic may simply be due to her age. Voters who liked the Democrats' policies but thought Biden was too old and feeble were suddenly pacified when they got the same policies but in a 22-year younger package. That could be it. It is also worth noting that the most important plank in Harris' platform has broad appeal across the spectrum. That, of course, would be "I'm not Donald Trump." (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates