Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Today's Presidential Polls

Ultimately, Kamala Harris probably needs one of the three Sun Belt swing states. At the moment, if you believe Siena, she's in line to take two. And in case you are wondering, if you give Harris and Donald Trump the two states that each are winning here, and you give Michigan/Wisconsin/Minnesota to Harris, and you give Pennsylvania to Trump, then Harris wins the Electoral College with 278 votes to 260.

Point is, if Harris really does win half the "southern route" states, Trump's in trouble. (Z)

State Kamala Harris Donald Trump Start End Pollster
Arizona 49% 45% Aug 08 Aug 15 Siena Coll.
Georgia 44% 51% Aug 09 Aug 14 Siena Coll.
North Carolina 49% 46% Aug 09 Aug 14 Siena Coll.
Nevada 46% 48% Aug 06 Aug 14 Siena Coll.

Click on a state name for a graph of its polling history.

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates