Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Project 2025 Could Be a Millstone around Trump's Neck

At first, nobody outside a tiny group of right-wing activists had ever heard of Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation's 900-page plan to radically change the country in dozens of major ways. But Democrats have been talking it up a lot and now it is much better known. And the more people know about it, the less popular it gets. Here is how its favorability has changed from June to July in Navigator Research polls:

Change in favorability of Project 2025 from June to July, among
Democrats it's -36 points, among independents it's -8, among non-MAGA Republicans it's -17 and among MAGA Republicans it's -9

With Democrats, independents, and non-MAGA Republicans, the more they hear about it, the less they like it. Even among MAGA Republicans the more they hear, the less than like it even though it is basically a hostile takeover of the entire country by them.

As the plan becomes better known, specific aspects of it are getting their own favorable/unfavorable ratings. For example, replacing 50,000 civil service employees with Trump's lackeys is at -56 net support. Reducing federal protection for LGBTQ+ people is at -19 net. Banning mifepristone is at -26. Some items are more popular, though. Using federal troops to police the border (which is currently illegal) is at +11. Banning pornography is even.

Although Trump claims ignorance of Project 2025, many of his closest associates, such as Stephen Miller, helped write it. So, Trump's claim is nonsense. He knows exactly what is in it and supports most of it. Kamala Harris is going to make sure everyone knows this as well. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates