Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Harris Targets Nikki Haley Republicans

Roughly 20% of Republicans voted for Nikki Haley in the primaries—even after she dropped out. A new group aligned with Kamala Harris' campaign is trying to win them over. Former Pennsylvania Republican U.S. House member Jim Greenwood has created a group "Republican Voters for Harris." It is focused on the 158,000 Pennsylvania Republican voters who marked the box for Nikki Haley in April. Similar groups are forming in Arizona and elsewhere. Some of the Haley voters have told Greenwood they can't vote for a Democrat, so he is urging them to stay home or vote third party. He and the co-chair of the group, Ann Womble, said that the goal is not so much to elect Harris, but to defeat Trump. In the end, that is the same thing, but to Haley Republicans, defeating Trump may be a more acceptable goal than electing Harris.

Some anti-Trump Republicans aren't quite there yet, but are getting closer. They have provided a list of things Harris can do that would get them over the line. They want her to do these things:

  1. Strongly support Israel.
  2. Make it clear that she supports capitalism.
  3. Denounce the Jan. 6 rioters.
  4. Tout the bipartisan Lankford-Murphy immigration bill that Trump personally killed.

If she does these things, she can probably pick up a substantial number of NeverTrump Republicans, even if their votes are made grudgingly. She might lose some pro-Palestinian students at Columbia and UCLA. But maybe not even them, since most of them already know (or will soon know) that Trump hates Palestinians, Arabs, and all Muslims with a passion and Young Jared wants to get rid of the Gazans so he can develop Gaza into Miami Beach East.

Conservative radio host Charlie Sykes said: "So even though it was once unthinkable to ask conservative Republicans to vote for somebody as progressive as Kamala Harris, if you do actually recognize Donald Trump as an existential threat to the constitutional order, then it's a surprisingly easy decision." Other well-known conservatives have agreed. Another prominent conservative, David French, said: "If conservatism is going to have a viable future, then Trump has to lose. He's draining the entire right of any meaningful ideology or ethos." Former GOP congressman Joe Walsh tweeted: "Walz is a really good pick. The Democratic Party has become way too elitist, they need more 'regular folk' faces & voices like Walz. Regular guy Tim will do well in PA, MI, and WI." Here again, it is all about defeating Trump, and electing Harris is unfortunately the only way to do it. It's clothespin time.

These aren't the only traditional Republicans who are out to defeat Trump. Another is the publisher of The Bulwark, Sarah Longwell. She has created a group "Republican Voters Against Trump." Among other things, this group has established a website,, where over 250 Republicans who voted for Trump at least once have uploaded short videos explaining why they will not vote for him in 2024. Here are a few examples.


If you are a NeverTrump Republican and want to make a video explaining why you aren't going to vote for him in 2024, here are the simple instructions to do so. There are a few brief questions to answer first, then you can either hit the Record button on the Web page and just start talking or you can upload a video you made offline. All you need is a phone, tablet, or laptop with a camera and microphone and a story to tell about why you aren't going to vote for Trump this time. It is best to make a short list of the points you want to make before starting. Coming across as authentic is much more important than reciting a carefully prepared script. If you make a small mistake, just keep going. They will edit out the mistake before posting it. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates