Dem 51
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GOP 49
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One of the Fake Arizona Electors Has Pleaded Guilty

Arizona AG Kris Mayes is taking the fake electors case very seriously and working hard on it. Earlier this week she got one of Donald Trump's lawyers, Jenna Ellis, to flip in return for a very light sentence. Ellis knows a lot about who did what in arranging the fake electors scheme in Arizona.

Now Mayes has caught another fish. Fake elector Lorraine Pellegrino has now also officially flipped. She has pleaded guilty to one charge of filing a false instrument. She will get an extremely light sentence, namely unsupervised community service. She must have had quite a valuable story to get off so lightly. The next fake elector to flip won't get such a good deal, and the third one will get an even less favorable deal. Beyond that, Mayes might not be interested in making deals. She will have enough witnesses. This system puts a lot of pressure on the fake electors to go next and not miss the boat.

Pellegrino is in a position to rat on the 10 other fake electors, not to mention some of the higher-ups who arranged the whole matter. Chief among these is Rudy Giuliani, who has been indicted as well. Donald Trump is an unindicted coconspirator. By not indicting Trump, Mayes has made the case much easier to bring, as Giuliani and the fake electors have no chance of invoking executive privilege or being exempt because none of them used to be a king. If Giuliani is not quaking in his boots, it is probably because he already auctioned them off to the highest bidder. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates