Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Vance Is Getting Less Popular by the Week

J.D. Vance was never a popular pick as Donald Trump's running mate, and it is getting worse each week, sometimes significantly. Call it the Revenge of the Cat Ladies. It could be a horror movie. Vance's favorables are now 9 points underwater. Other recent running mates have usually been above water. Half a dozen polls confirm him dropping as follows:

Pollster First poll Second poll Net change
Reuters/Ipsos July 16 July 28 -3
Economist/YouGov July 23 July 30 -5
NPR+PBS/Marist Coll. July 20 July 27 -6
AP/NORC July 15 July 29 -8
(Not sponsored)/YouGov July 15 July 25 -9
ABC News/Ipsos July 20 July 27 -9

The crosstabs give additional information. Vance dropped by 10 points among women. He dropped by double digits among independents in the Marist and YouGov polls that were not sponsored. He also dropped by 19 points among Black voters in the Marist and YouGov polls and double digits among voters under thirty in those polls. Vance is now as unpopular as Donald Trump. Trump wanted a clone and, well, he got a clone. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates