Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Democrats Will Spend $186 Million to Retake the House

Democrats need to flip four House seats to get to a majority. They are planning to spend $146 million on TV ads and another $40 million on digital ads in an attempt to do the job. So in case you survive the onslaught of ads for president, you might be hit with an additional onslaught of ads for House seats. However, there are only about 100 seats that are seriously in play, so if you are in one of the other 335 districts you are safe—unless you are in the same media market as a nearby swing seat.

In addition to targeting specific House races, the House Majority PAC will go after certain demographics in those districts. These include Latinos, Asian-Americans, Black voters, and even Republicans who are disgusted by the inability of the House to function at all.

The Democrats will play offense in 16 districts that Joe Biden won in 2020 but that have a Republican representative now. Oddly enough, most of them are in two very blue states, California and New York. The plan is to drop $18 million in the L.A. media market and $17 million in the NYC media market, where several seats are in play. There are also a few in Arizona, Michigan, and maybe even Montana. They will also fight in some districts that Trump won. However, they are also playing defense in many districts where they have to protect a Democrat in a reddish district.

The Republican counterpart has raised $142 million and will fight back vigorously. Our suggestion: Turn off your television until mid-November. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates