Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Boebert's New Boyfriend Owns a Gay-Friendly Bar That Hosts Drag Shows

Last week, we ran a couple of items about Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO). The first one was about how she is a hypocrite, saying one thing in D.C. and something quite different in Colorado. It's not honorable, but she's not the first politician to do this. The second one was about her disruptive behavior at a performance of Beetlejuice in Denver that she attended with her new boyfriend. The story that she was booted from the theater is all over the Colorado papers.

But it turns out there is more that is only now leaking out. First, her new squeeze is indeed into squeezing. He had his hand on her right breast during the show and she had her hand in his crotch. It also turns out that he owns a gay-friendly bar that hosts drag shows. Here is a screenshot of the homepage from the Rupert-Murdoch-owned New York Post yesterday.

New York Post on Sept. 17

The Post said that Boebert and her date were engaged in a heavy petting session. The front page linked to above has a video of her performance at the theater (not the actors' performance), in case you are interested. Among other things, she called a pregnant woman behind her who asked her to please stop vaping (which is not allowed in the theater) "a miserable person." So Boebert is dating a Democrat who owns a gay-friendly bar in tony Aspen. As they say, politics makes for strange bedfellows. Boebert's 20-year marriage ended recently. She has four sons, one of whom is a parent at 18, just as she was. She also opposes sex education in schools.

All of this takes place, of course, against the backdrop of Boebert's razor-thin victory in 2022, by 554 votes out of 327,110 cast. With the same opponent this time, and potential presidential coattails, the Representative needs to hold on to every vote. Behavior of the sort that is now all over the front pages in Colorado will not help. It is doubtful that many Boebert voters will flip to Democrat Adam Frisch, but they could certainly vote third-party, or leave that line on the ballot blank, or stay home. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates