Dem 51
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GOP 49
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...And So Does Kari Lake in Arizona...

This seems like at least the fourth or fifth time that Kari Lake (R) has made it official that she's running for the U.S. Senate seat currently occupied by Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ). But yesterday was her official campaign launch, so we guess it's maga-MAGA-super-total-scrumdiddlyumptious-official now. (Hm. For some reason, our spell-checker does not have scrumdiddlyumptious in it.)

We don't have anything terribly useful to say about Lake's candidacy that we haven't already said. She's going to run in the Trump lane, and will dispatch her main challenger, Sheriff Mark Lamb. Then she will hope and pray, either to the version of Jesus who lives in heaven, or the version who lives in Florida, that she can attract just enough votes in the general election to eke out a victory. It didn't work for her last time, when she "won" the governor's race, it didn't work for MAGA Republicans in the last two Senate races, it didn't work for Donald Trump in 2020, and Arizona is trending blue. But hope springs eternal, we suppose.

Since we don't have much to say about this race, let's review the (relatively small number of) polls of the race that have been taken in the last six months:

Pollster Dates Gallego Lake Sinema Net
National Research Oct. 7-9 33% 37% 29% Lake +4%
Public Policy Polling Oct. 6-7 41% 31% 17% Gallego +10%
Emerson Aug. 2-5 36% 29% 21% Gallego +7%
Noble Predictive Insights Jul. 13-17 34% 25% 26% Gallego +8%
Public Policy Polling Apr. 18-19 42% 35% 14% Gallego +7%
Average   37.2% 31.4% 21.4% Gallego +5.8%

Not too much polling, but what there is generally indicates that Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) is the frontrunner. He probably also has some room to grow his support, since he's got the least name recognition of the trio statewide. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates