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Biden Legal News: Give My Regards to Broadway

You thought you had to visit the Great White Way for a little theater? Well, how about the Great White House? Because this weekend saw a premium example of the sort of performative crap that we find exceedingly annoying.

The dramatis personae for this little show were Joe Biden and special counsel Robert Hur. Hur was there to interview the President about the classified documents that were discovered in Biden's residence and private offices, and that were returned upon their discovery. Reportedly, the interview ran into a second day before it was complete.

At this point, allow us to remind readers that to be a crime, mishandling of classified information has to be willful (or so careless as to be effectively willful). Otherwise, multiple federal employees would end up in the clink every day. By all appearances, Biden's retention of classified materials was as accidental as that of Mike Pence, who was let off the hook many months ago. Significantly, both men self-reported when the issue was discovered. If they were up to no good, they wouldn't have done that. Compare that to Donald Trump, who not only took documents and tried to keep it on the down-low, but who compounded that by failing to return the documents once he was caught red-handed.

In short, what the hell was the point of this interview? And what did Hur ask that required two days' worth of interrogation? This bears all the hallmarks of a show put on for the benefit of the general public, to demonstrate that "everyone is being treated equally," "justice is blind," etc. Oh, and Hur wasn't the only guilty one here. The interview was optional, and Biden surely agreed to it to prove to the world that he's being cooperative and has nothing to hide.

Normally, when a special counsel gets to the center of the onion (not that this onion has all that many layers), it indicates that the end is nigh. Ideally that means that sometime soon, Hur will produce a report that says there's no smoke and no fire here. Then he can stop wasting time and the taxpayers' money. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates