Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Trump Finally Wins One--for the Moment

Donald Trump has been losing legal battle after legal battle, but on Friday, he got some good news, at least for the time being. On Friday, an appeals court in New York paused the enforcement of a ruling by Judge Arthur Engoron that Trump's business empire in New York should be dissolved, starting right now. The appeals court didn't say Engoron was right or wrong. It merely said that dissolution has to wait until the appeals court has ruled on the merits of the case. This is not unreasonable. If the court ultimately decides that Engoron should not have ordered the dissolution of Trump's company and it has already been sold off, then there would be no way to put it back together.

But not all the news from the appeals court was good. Trump asked the appeals court to delay the ongoing trial in front of Engoron. That trial will determine what the penalty will be for the massive fraud Trump and his adult sons pulled off. The appeals court denied Trump's request for a delay, so the trial will continue. It is expected to run until December. As an aside, talking about "the criminal conduct of Trump's adult sons" will abruptly stop on March 20, 2024. Will Donald Jr. and Eric stop their nefarious activities 2 weeks into Dad's criminal trial? Probably not, but on that date, Barron Trump will turn 18 and thus will also become one of Donald Sr.'s adult sons. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates