Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Cornel West to the Greens: F**k You (An Ode to No One)

In the actual song, the word is not censored, but we're a family-friendly site. And the lyrics certainly fit the situation: "I'm never coming back/I'm never giving in/I'll never be the shine in your spit."

In case you haven't heard, and in case you haven't inferred, presidential candidate Cornel West and the Green Party have decided they do not see eye-to-eye, and so he announced yesterday that he will go it on his own as an independent candidate.

West is famously... prickly, let's say, so it's entirely possible that he and the people who run the Green Party just couldn't get along. On the other hand, running for president for over a year is hard work, particularly if you know you cannot possibly win. He's also more than clever enough to realize that "a pox on both your houses" rhetoric is all good and well, but that on the issues West cares about, Donald Trump would be a giant step backward as compared to any Democrat. So, it's possible that this is a way for West to back out of running for president while saving face.

Whatever the case may be, this is certainly good news for the Democrats. There are some people who are going to vote Green no matter who the candidate is. West's exit from the ticket will have no impact on those people. There are also some people who would vote for West in particular. Now, that will be impossible for some of those folks, because there is virtually no chance an independent can get on the ballot in all 50 states. So, some disaffected liberals will be left without that protest option, and some of those folks will undoubtedly return to the Democratic tent.

Indeed, if West really wanted to make a statement while not aiding Trump, then the correct play would be to get on the ballot in deep blue states and to stay off in swing states. We'll have to watch to see where, exactly, he ends up qualifying. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates