Dem 51
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GOP 49
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The Supreme Court Is Open for Business: Cases to Watch

The Supreme Court is back in town and conservatives can't wait for all the goodies they expect the Court will give them this term. There aren't any cases as big as Roe this term in the sense that they may determine who is elected president and which party will control Congress, but they are still pretty big. Here are three of the biggest ones:

These are only three of the upcoming cases. A few other "interesting" ones are working their way through the courts and will certainly end up on the Supreme Court's docket before long. For example, may states ban parents from getting gender-affirming care for their children? This goes against the trend of giving parents more rights, rather than fewer. If the parents and child want to do this, does the state have a valid interest in saying they can't do it? There are many decisions parents make that have long-term effects on their children. For example, to home school them. Where do parents' rights end? A case involving a ban on mifepristone is also sure to be back before long. And surely the Supreme Court will get involved in some case soon involving the National Association of Pronoun Users. Will the Modern Language Association file an amicus brief? On which side? Harry Truman was wrong. The buck stops somewhere else. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates