Dem 51
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GOP 49
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One of the Georgia 19 Has Flipped

First it is the small fish, then the medium fish. Finally it's the bigger fish. One of the smallest fish among the 19 indictees in the Georgia RICO case has now officially flipped. Scott Hall, who owns a bail bond business, has reached a plea deal with prosecutors in Georgia. On Friday, he pleaded guilty to five misdemeanor counts of conspiracy to interfere with an election. He got 5 years probation, a $5,000 fine, and 200 hours of community service. He also has to write a letter of apology to the citizens of Georgia. He can probably raise $5,000 on GoFundMe and get ChatGPT to write the apology letter, but he'll have to do the community service himself. Maybe he could agree to be an election worker for free so he can help Trump and log his 200 hours at the same time.

What Hall did was conspire with others to illegally access the voting machines in rural Coffee County, GA, to obtain proprietary data or perhaps change the results in order to show the machines didn't work or there was fraud.

Another part of the deal is that he has agreed to testify truthfully if called up in the trials of the other 18 defendants. Prosecutors would never allow this unless they already had recorded his potential testimony under oath and on video. That way, if he changed his story in court, they could charge him with perjury, either for his deposition or for his in-court testimony. What Fulton DA Fani Willis probably wants to know is who organized the plot to subvert the voting machines. Someone must have contacted him to sign him up. Who? Rudy Giuliani? Someone else?

Hall was also involved in the effort to pressure election worker Ruby Freeman. He could tell the court how that worked in detail. Unfortunately for him, while his plea deal will keep him out of prison, it won't prevent a possible lawsuit from Freeman, who has an excellent lawyer and is on a roll now. On the other hand, Hall might not have enough money to make it worthwhile. You can't get blood out of a stone (unless it is Roger).

Willis may want Hall to testify against two other members of the RICO 19, Misty Hampton, a former Coffee County elections supervisor, and Cathy Latham, a former head of the Coffee County Republican Party and one of the bogus electors. Latham's defense fund on GiveSendGo seems to have stalled at under $22,000 of the $300,000 she thinks she will need for lawyers' fees. Prayers are also stalled around 2,800. Once she comes to realize that she may come up $278K short and Willis has a direct witness against her in Hall, she could be the next to flip. Hampton could follow. This is how the game is played. Willis understands it very well.

Hall isn't just some random Trump supporter. He is the brother-in-law of David Bossie, a long-time conservative activist. Bossie was deeply involved in the Citizens United group, which won a landmark Supreme Court decision in 2010. The case allowed special-interest political groups to spend unlimited amounts of money supporting or opposing candidates for office. Bossie did so well that Trump made him his deputy campaign manager in 2016.

The trials of Ken "The Cheese" Chesebro and Sidney Powell are in 3 weeks. If they want to flip, this is prime flipping time. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates