Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Biden Is Starting To Campaign

For a while, it wasn't clear that Joe Biden was planning to run for reelection. Then he announced a run but still didn't act like a candidate. These days, he is beginning to look and act like a candidate. He held his first rally on Saturday, in Philadelphia, when he spoke to a union group at the Philadephia Convention Center. He talked about how his program is helping ordinary families. He is also now starting to hold fundraisers and hire staff. Yup, he is really in.

Nevertheless, some Democrats think it is not enough and not fast enough. They want more action. That said, it is doubtful that it will make a lot of difference. Everyone knows who Biden is at this point and a few more ads aren't likely to make a difference, especially against Donald Trump, who is also well known. Also, running ads this early in the cycle may be a waste of money since by next June they will be largely forgotten and by Nov. 2024 they will be completely forgotten. The main argument for Biden to get moving now is to counter Republican arguments that he is too old for the job. If he is seen holding rallies and appearing at fundraisers, everyone can see that he is perfectly capable of doing what candidates are supposed to do.

In the next 2 weeks, fundraising will be high on the agenda, with events in Atherton, CA; Kentfield, CA; Chevy Chase, MD and Chicago; all of them involving big donors. In some cases, the governor of the state will appear with him. Meanwhile, Jill Biden will be raising money in Minneapolis and Nashville. Kamala Harris will be at fundraisers in New York City, Dallas, and Potomac, MD. Top of the line tickets are going for $100,000. That buys one a seat at a platinum table, photos with the luminaries, and a VIP reception. People in the cheap seats get fewer perks. These events are all intentionally in June, so the amounts raised will be recorded as Q2 donations. The idea is to make an announcement in July showing how great Biden is at raising money. That could help build excitement and momentum.

Rallies and fundraising are not the only things on Biden's agenda. He has hired Michael Tyler, a former DNC worker, as his communications director and former deputy White House press secretary TJ Ducklo as the campaign's senior communications adviser. Rob Flaherty, the White House digital strategist, will also join the campaign.

Biden is also busy rounding up endorsements. He just got the AFL-CIO and three of the four biggest environmental groups.

Despite all the activity, one senior Democrat close to the campaign said: "The more people are talking about Trump and less about us, the better off we are." (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates