Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Scavenger Hunt, Part VI: John Roberts T-Shirts, Continued

When we came up with the idea for the scavenger hunt, we thought it would have the additional benefit of giving us some extra material for one of the slowest times on the political calendar. We neglected to account for Donald Trump's near-daily legal problems, with the result that we have a backlog of material of various sorts you wouldn't believe. Oh well, we'll get to it all eventually.

Here's the list of questions, once again:

  1. The single photograph or image that best encapsulates the Trump presidency. (click here and here)
  2. Something that would make a terrible Christmas gift for Joe Biden. (click here)
  3. A book that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell would never, ever read. (click here)
  4. A t-shirt that would be very apropos for Chief Justice John Roberts to wear. (click here)
  5. The wisest, most insightful, or most pithy quote ever to be uttered by a politician or political figure (need not be limited to Americans). (Submit here)
  6. The worst bumper sticker, button, yard sign or other campaign-related ephemera in U.S. history. (Submit here)
  7. A portrayal of a key figure in U.S. history—image, song, verse, book, etc.—that is even more ridiculous than Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. (Submit here)
  8. This isn't exactly a scavenger hunt type question, but we're going with it anyhow. Finish this joke: "Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis and Hillary Clinton walk into a bar..." (Submit here)

And now, another 15 John Roberts t-shirts (which incorporate some rather pointed commentary, to be sure):

J.G. in Fredonia, NY, writes:

A picture of Pinocchio with his pants on fire

Liar, liar...

A.L. in Tigard, OR, writes:

A cartoon drawing of Roberts along with the word 'Untouchable'

You can actually buy this one!

M.S. in Dublin, OH, writes:

It says 'You Don't Have to Be Crazy to Work Here--But It Helps

A.S. in Lenora Hills, CA, writes:

It says 'My Worst Decision Is Yet to Come'

J.M. in Portland, OR, writes:

It says 'Some People Just Need a Pat on the Back,' and shows a person pushing another person over a cliff

This pretty much sums up Roberts' entire judicial philosophy.

M.D. in Rochester, NY, writes:

It says 'White Privilege: When You Think Something Isn't a Problem Because It Doesn't Affect You Personally

R.G. in Baltimore, MD, writes:

A picture of Roger Taney

E.K.H. in San Antonio, TX, writes:

A re-creation of Melania Trump's 'I Don't Care, Do U?' jacket

R.G. in Dallas, TX, writes:

An arrow to the left, then the word 'clowns,' an arrow to the right, then the word 'jokers'

For bonus points, please note Stealers Wheel is Scottish (Roberts is Irish/Welsh per Wikipedia, so a near miss), and the lyrics of "Stuck in the Middle With You" include "When you started off with nothing / And you're proud that you're a self-made man / And your friends they all come crawling / Slap you on the back and say / Please / Please."

D.S. in Albuquerque, NM, writes:

It says 'Semi-Fascist

In contrast to the five full-blown fascists on the court....

D.E. in Lancaster, PA, writes:

It says 'The Question Isn't Who Is Going to Let Me, It's Who Is Going to Stop Me? -- Ayn Rand'

I suspect that Roberts already owns this second one—and wears it constantly under his robes—but unfortunately deems the quote as virtue instead of a condemnation.

L.E. in Santa Barbara, CA, writes:

It says 'Supreme Court Overturns Right v. Wrong'

In black, of course.

P.S. in Washington Township, OH, writes:

It says 'Now If You Will Excuse Me, Today's Bad Decisions Won't Make Themselves

I mean, I think this one says it all...

B.H. in Westborough, MA, writes:

It says 'I Run a Tight Shipwreck'

B.C. in Walpole, ME, writes:

It says 'You Can't Fix Stupid,' and has a picture of the Three Stooges

Tomorrow, we will definitely have some pithy quotes. There are a lot of good ones, so we might split them across two entries again. That said, they don't require bandwidth-sucking images the way the t-shirts do, so maybe not. We shall see. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates