Another group of Fourth of July scavenger hunt submissions. Here's the list of questions
We got quite a few good suggestions for this one, so you're going to get two days' worth. Here's the first set:
J.G. in Fredonia, NY, writes:
Wink, wink to the Federalist Society.
J.W. in Kansas City, MO, writes:
Saul Goodman. Need I say more?
J.K. in Silverdale, WA, writes:
Well, given recent reporting by Pro Publica, this one works.
W.R. in Tyson's Corner, VA, writes:
Also submitted by: D.S.A. in Parish, NY
S.W. in Harrisburg, PA, writes:
The Supreme Court's seating chart means that Clarence Thomas sits to Roberts' immediate right.
Also submitted by: G.R. in Clive, IA; J.A.C. in Northbrook, IL; S.K. in Sunnyvale, CA; S.N. in Pittsburgh, PA; J.S. in Sylmar, CA; D.R. in Tetovo, North Macedonia; S.M. in Morganton, GA
S.S. in West Hollywood, CA, writes:
J.G.P. in Glendale, AZ, writes:
Also submitted by: R.B. in Miami, FL
B.B. in Fort Collins, CO, writes:
K.H. in Lakewood, CO, writes:
M.S. in Brooklyn, NY, writes:
My own design.
M.W. in Frederick, MD, writes:
He and the other conservative justices like to think of themselves as umpires that call balls and strikes according to the Constitution. Even if they lived up to that description (spoiler alert: they don't), they are doing a bad job of it.
C.M. in Bridgewater, NJ, writes:
Just get everyone who has paid him off to put their logo on his clothes so we know who owns him.
J.F. in Fort Worth, TX, writes:
A.J. in Mountain View, CA, writes:
I got this for my daughter who will be attending law school in the fall, but maybe it works here also.
E.C.-F. in Somerville, MA, writes:
More tomorrow! (Z)