Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Looking Forward: Readers' Predictions for 2023, Part I: Donald Trump

We've given the pundits their chance, and we've taken our chance. Now, it's time to see what the readers think 2023 has in store.

Before we get to the predictions, however, we want to announce a change in how we award boldness points going forward. We've done it ourselves, and we also tried out a ranking system for our 2023 predictions this year. However, we feel foolish that we didn't think of the much more elegant approach suggested by reader C.O. in East Lansing, MI. What we are going to do is ask those readers who are interested in participating to do a straight yes/no vote on whether a prediction will actually come to pass. If 100% of readers think a prediction will be proven correct, then that is a boldness of 0. If 90% think it will be proven correct, then that's a boldness of 0.5, and so forth.

And with that explanation out of the way, here are a dozen Trump predictions for 2023:

If you are willing to help us award boldness points, cast your votes here. We'll fill in the boldness points soon, and make an announcement when we've done so.

Oh, and we're still accepting predictions. Don't forget your initials and city! (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates