Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Biden Addresses Classified Documents, Says Nothing

CNN has learned what was contained in the classified documents found in Joe Biden's office at Penn. It was intelligence memos and briefings related to Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom. There were 10 documents, in total.

The President held a press conference yesterday, as part of the summit he's attending in Mexico City. Biden could no longer avoid reporters' questions on the matter, and so he said "I was surprised to learn there were any government records that were taken there to that office," while emphasizing that he and his staff take security seriously. He also said that he is unaware of the contents of the documents, and that he knows little beyond the fact that his attorneys turned the materials over to the National Archives.

In fairness to Biden, it would be inappropriate for him to try to learn more, or for him to say anything else, while an investigation is underway. It is also the case that we don't yet know if he bears any personal responsibility for the breach. It's possible that he never saw or touched those documents, or that the last time he saw/touched them was when he was VP, and it was apropos for him to handle them.

It is not likely that much more will be known until U.S. Attorney John Lausch Jr. completes his investigation. Lausch has already briefed AG Merrick Garland several times, but beyond that, his timeline is a mystery. He could wrap things up tomorrow, or he could take until Christmas. (Z)

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