Dem 51
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GOP 49
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What Will House Republicans Actually Do Now?

House Republicans finally elected a speaker. Now what? OK, writing and adopting the rules comes next and then assigning members to committees and picking chairs. But then what? Passing laws is pointless because any law that could make it through the Republican-controlled House will not make it through the Senate. Nevertheless, the House may pass some bills for show, like one banning abortion nationwide starting 60 minutes prior to conception or one forbidding the teaching of critical race theory in pre-schools. These are simply to show the folks back home, with no intention of even reaching Joe Biden's desk, let alone getting him to sign them.

So will the House members just go home and start their 2024 campaigns? Not quite yet. Here are a few of the activities House Republicans are going to focus on in lieu of passing laws.

The items about laws that must pass (budgets and the debt limit) will get plenty of attention. The others will get plenty of attention on Fox but elsewhere much less unless there is some actual news there. The upcoming session of the House will probably be one of the least productive ever. The Senate will probably also have some investigations, as we pointed out last week, and they could conceivably even overshadow the House ones. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates