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It's Presidents' Day!

So, how about a Presidents' Day quiz?

1. Which of these four presidents is the only sitting president to command troops in a battle against a foreign enemy?
  1. #1 George Washington
  2. #2 John Adams
  3. #3 Thomas Jefferson
  4. #4 James Madison
2. Which of these four presidents issued zero vetoes during his term in office?
  1. #5 James Monroe
  2. #6 John Quincy Adams
  3. #7 Andrew Jackson
  4. #8 Martin Van Buren
3. Which of these four presidents never cast a ballot in an American election, including the one in which he was chosen as president?
  1. #9 William Henry Harrison
  2. #10 John Tyler
  3. #11 James K. Polk
  4. #12 Zachary Taylor
4. Which of these four presidents was the first president or ex-president to publish an autobiography while still living?
  1. #13 Millard Fillmore
  2. #14 Franklin Pierce
  3. #15 James Buchanan
  4. #16 Abraham Lincoln
5. Which of these four presidents was the first person elected to the White House under something other than his birth name?
  1. #17 Andrew Johnson
  2. #18 Ulysses S. Grant
  3. #19 Rutherford B. Hayes
  4. #20 James Garfield
6. Which of these four presidents was the last veteran of the Civil War to serve in the White House?
  1. #21 Chester Arthur
  2. #22/24 Grover Cleveland
  3. #23 Benjamin Harrison
  4. #25 William McKinley
7. Which of these four presidents' final words were: "The machinery is broken.. I am ready."?
  1. #26 Theodore Roosevelt
  2. #27 William Howard Taft
  3. #28 Woodrow Wilson
  4. #29 Warren Harding
8. Which of these four presidents often spoke to his wife in Chinese so that visitors could not eavesdrop?
  1. #30 Calvin Coolidge
  2. #31 Herbert Hoover
  3. #32 Franklin D. Roosevelt
  4. #33 Harry S. Truman
9. Which of these four presidents won an Emmy Award?
  1. #34 Dwight D. Eisenhower
  2. #35 John F. Kennedy
  3. #36 Lyndon B. Johnson
  4. #37 Richard Nixon
10. Which of these three presidents had 12 of his vetoes overridden, placing him second all-time behind Andrew Johnson?
  1. #38 Gerald Ford
  2. #39 Jimmy Carter
  3. #40 Ronald Reagan
11. Which of these three presidents is the only president ever to reach 90% approval in a Gallup Poll?
  1. #41 George H.W Bush
  2. #42 Bill Clinton
  3. #43 George W Bush
12. Which of these three presidents was the first president whose official White House portrait was taken with a digital camera?
  1. #44 Barack Obama
  2. #45 Donald Trump
  3. #46 Joe Biden

We'll have the answers tomorrow! (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates