Dem 51
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GOP 49
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This Week in Schadenfreude: Pardon the Interruption

We suspect many readers will recall one of the most memorable scenes from the 1988 movie The Naked Gun. The slapstick humor in the film derives from the fact that the main character, police lieutenant Frank Drebin, thinks of himself as highly competent, but is actually a bumbling buffoon. To establish that fact, an early scene has Drebin appearing at a press conference where the participants are mic'd. After he delivers his spiel, Drebin gets bored and decides he needs to use the facilities. Here is the scene:

If only Lt. Drebin—or is it Enrico Palazzo?—had remembered to take off the microphone.

We bring this up because life imitated art this week. Remember the "Axis of Evil"? Well, X Spaces (a.k.a. Twitter Spaces) hosted an event featuring the Axis of Obnoxiousness this week: Alex Jones, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. Think for a moment which of those three you would most like to see red-faced as the result of a Frank Drebin moment. Not an easy choice, is it? However, we think that fate settled upon the right person, as it was Ramaswamy who forgot to turn off his mic before answering nature's call.

You can listen to the audio at the link, if you wish (we can't find a way to embed it). However, Jones and Musk were initially surprised and embarrassed, with Jones declaring: "Someone's got their thing open peeing! Someone's got their phone open in the bathroom." Once the so-called presidential candidate had finished his business, Musk said: "Well, I hope you feel better now," and Ramaswamy replied: "I feel great, thank you. Sorry about that, guys."

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. To a nicer group of guys, really. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates