Dem 51
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GOP 49
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It's All about Rage and Grievance

A large majority of Americans agree with Joe Biden and the Democrats on most issues, like abortion, taxing the rich, reducing the price of medicines, etc. Yet Biden's approval rating is around 40% and not showing any sign of getting better. What gives?

New polling from Ipsos reinforces what we already knew and in some ways, makes it more damning. In one question, the pollster read the line: "There are Communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical-left thugs that live like vermin with the confines of our country," and asked them if they agreed. Half agreed, including 71% of Republicans and even 37% of Democrats, although they may not have been thinking of the same people as vermin. Then the pollster asked if they knew the line was from Donald Trump. Among the people who knew it was from Trump, 57% agreed, including 84% of Republicans and 38% of Democrats. That's not a real positive and optimistic view of the country.

The poll made clear that the issues aren't paramount, which is why people can agree with Biden on the issues but still disapprove of him. Rage and grievance is the core of Trump's campaign. Unless Biden can penetrate the cloud of anger, listing all the laws he signed and how they will create good jobs, improve the infrastructure, save the planet, etc. won't matter. One Democratic strategist, Michael Ceraso, who has worked for Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders, said: "There is no way you can reach people when they are frustrated. You have to wait for them to dial it down. Then you hope you can find the thing that moves the voter back into your column." Of course dialing it down will be hard when Trump's whole campaign is about dialing it up.

On the issues, Biden is doing fine. Large majorities want a federal law legalizing abortion nationwide, want the government to force the price of insulin down, want a minimum tax on billionaires, and want to ban assault rifles. However, 90% are worried about the economy, despite the fact that it is actually doing well. People just don't believe it.

Some of the things Trump wants are highly unpopular, including the death penalty for drug dealers and leaving NATO. But when voters are in a blind rage about how bad the country is, the details of the issues are just pushed into the background. When people are angry, they either don't vote (young and minority Democrats) or vote to throw the bums out (Republicans). This is the situation Biden finds himself in and he has to figure out how to deal with it. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates