Dem 51
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GOP 49
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A December to Rhymember, Part IX: Rally Round the Prez

As we make clear in several items above, Joe Biden has a lot to worry about in terms of his reelection bid. Today's poems are comments on that, based on classic songs. First is C.Z. in Sacramento, CA, who is reimagining The Chordettes' "Mr. Sandman":

I'm Bummed, Bummed, Bummed, Bummed, Bummed, Bummed, Bummed, Bummed, Bummed, Bummed, Bummed, Bummed, Bummed.

Oh, Mr. Biden
The polls might be right.
Another Trump term
Would sure be a fright.
President Biden,
What I beseech is
Please stop rushing through your
Teleprompter speeches.

Mr. Biden
We know that you care
But your delivery
Makes us tear out our hair.
Please slow down
A little bit and
President Biden
You'll be a hit!

Oh, Mr. Biden
Give Dems a win.
Be more dynamic than
You've ever been.
Convince the voters that they're
Living in clover.
Then tell them that their
Fascist nightmares are over.

Oh Mr. Biden
I'm so afraid
That Trump will win
And start a Fascist Decade.
Please turn on
Your Magic Charm.
President Biden
Keep us from harm.

Oh, Mr. Biden
Don't let Trump win.
We're all so sick of
His sh*t-eatin' grin.
Please turn on your
Magic Smile.
President Biden
Win by a mile.

And now, W.F. in Carmel, IN, with a take on "Let it Snow," first recorded by Vaughn Monroe (whose version, in our view, is better than the chart-topping covers by the various members of the Rat Pack):

Oh, the polls that I see are frightening,
and I hope the race is tightening,
with nearly a year to go,
Rally Joe, Rally Joe, Rally Joe.

Oh, Trump doesn't think courts can stop him.
Still, we might see juries pop him.
'Cause there're 91 counts, you know.
Rally Joe, Rally Joe, Rally Joe.

When they're counting Election Night,
how I hope the poll workers aren't stormed.
But with threats from the fascist right,
we cannot say we weren't warned.

If democracy is dying,
that's no cause for us not trying.
So, as long as we're free to vote,
Rally Joe, Rally Joe, Rally Joe.

More tomorrow. Submissions, if inspiration strikes you, go here. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates