Dem 51
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GOP 49
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A December to Rhymember, Part VII: Eighties Rewind

Today, it will be 1980s song parodies about Donald Trump's malfeasance. The first, which might as well be sung by Jack Smith, is from J.L. in Los Angeles, CA, who draws inspiration from "Every Breath You Take" by the Police:

Every doc you take,
And every lie you make,
Every law you break,
All the news you fake,
We'll be catching you.

Each time we survey
Every word you say,
Try'n to get away
With your election play
We're indicting you.

Oh, can't you see?
There'll be perjury.
Your poor heart aches
Each time we raise the stakes.

Every grift you take,
Any scheme half-baked,
Oh, for goodness sake,
We can see you quake.
We're all watching you.

Since you lost the election, you've defaced
All the laws upon which our country's based.
Look around, we can see you're laying waste
To all the truths that the People once embraced.
Your lawyer's shouting: "Donald, Donald...please (shut up)!"

Oh, don't you see
We're a democracy?
One day you'll awake.
With no more moves to make.

Every big mistake
That you undertake,
You're a lying snake.
No more grab and take.
We'll be judging you.

You've got plans to make
For your big jailbreak.
We're convicting you.

And now A.R. in Los Angeles, CA, with a take on "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel:

Mark Meadows, Jeffrey Clark
Kenneth Chesebro, Stewart Rhodes
Standing up and standing by
Enrique Tarrio

John Eastman, Giuliani
Sydney Powell on the prowl
Jenna Ellis, Matt Gaetz
Watch the numbers grow

We didn't start the riot
It was a peaceful protest
Everybody knows it

We didn't start the riot
It was just a coincidence
It happened on January 6

Fake electors, bogus suits
Hannity to squeeze the juice
Just announce the vote was rigged
We'll do all the rest

Stop the count, seize machines
Find more votes—that's all we need
Flynn's plan without flaw:
Just declare martial law!

We didn't start the riot
It was a peaceful protest
Everybody knows it

We didn't start the riot
It was just a coincidence
It happened on Jan. 6

Rile the crowd: hang Mike Pence!
Tear down the chain-link fence
Broken windows, silenced pleas
Screaming out for Nancy

We can rewrite history
Voters have short memories
Take the effing mags away
What more do I have to say?

We didn't start the riot
It was a peaceful protest
Everybody knows it

We didn't start the riot
It was just a coincidence
It happened on Jan. 6

We're still looking for submissions; send 'em here. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates