Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Christie May Jump in and Attack Trump Head-on

Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie knows a thing or two about brawling and may be preparing to demonstrate it. He has said that the only way to beat Donald Trump in the primaries is to tackle him head on. He thinks he is the guy, saying: "No one else has the balls to do it." We'll see if Christie measures up and can take the heat when he tries. So far he has mostly been attacking Ron DeSantis, a much softer target, rather than Trump.

Christie is undoubtedly right about the only way to take down Trump is to attack Trump. Otherwise we will get a rerun of 2016, with all the other candidates attacking one another, in the hopes of being the only one left to go man-to-man against Trump. It didn't work then and it won't work now.

None of the other GOP candidates are even trying. Nikki Haley is busy telling people about her time at the U.N. and all the nice people she met. DeSantis is busy telling everyone how much he hates woke. Mike Pence is spending his time in church (see below). Nobody is paying any attention to Asa Hutchinson so we don't know what he is doing. None of this will take down Trump. Only attacking Trump might do that and so far all the other candidates are scared witless of him and are avoiding that. That is not a winning strategy. Christie has nothing to lose so he might as well jump in and start hitting Trump hard where it hurts. It could possibly work. But he has to go in for 100% and not try to attack in a subtle way that nobody notices.

What could Christie talk about? We see a couple of possible angles:

Maybe there are some others, but hiding in the corner and pretending Trump will go away is not going to work for anyone. And just shooting at the other Republicans isn't going to work either. Been there, done that. If Christie wants to make a go of it, he has to attack Trump directly and frontally and not pull any punches. Will he be able to do that and handle the resulting incoming fire? It's possible, but we'll believe it when we see it. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates