Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Katie Porter's Divorce Papers Leak

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) is facing Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) in California's top-two primary for the Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). Up until now, most observers expected Porter and Schiff to make the finals and then have a more-or-less even battle in November, even though Schiff is by far the better fundraiser. But now the Daily Mail has gotten ahold of some documents related to her 2013 divorce from ex-husband Matthew Hoffman and it's not a pretty picture. That doesn't mean it will be fatal, but it is not likely to help her with either fundraising or getting votes.

Porter and Hoffman filed for divorce on March 20, 2013, but decided to continue to live together for the sake of their three children. It was all downhill from there. Porter once dumped a pot of boiling potatoes on Hoffman's head, burning his scalp. She would also claw her arms and blame him for the markings. Hoffman claimed that she screamed at him and was vulgar in front of the children. She was the sole breadwinner after 2009, and wouldn't let him have money to buy a cell phone because she said he was "too f**king dumb to operate it." He once tried to grab her toothbrush while she was using it. The couple got restraining orders against each other. Both the marriage and post-marriage period were very turbulent.

In addition, there are reports that Porter has been abusive to her staff. All in all, none of these things paint her in a favorable light. In contrast, there are no scandals swirling around Schiff, who has been married to wife #1 for 28 years. And with this new revelation about Porter's temper and behavior, his oppo researchers are going to be working overtime. If he is smart, he will pay them time and a half to keep them happy. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates