Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Restricting Trans Rights Has Apparently Become Red States' Top Priority

Continuing with the theme of "whatever it takes to stay in power," red states are nigh on obsessed with cracking down on trans people these days. It's really quite remarkable. Here's a list that covers just the past 10 days:

In general, we are not a fan of the argument that takes the form: "The city/state/country still has [problem X], so how come the politicians have time for [thing Y]?" For example, it's silly that Joe Biden going to Delaware for the weekend should be verboten because there's still crime in America, or that Gov. John Sununu (R-NH) shouldn't be giving the commencement address at Dartmouth because global warming hasn't been solved. Nonetheless, we cannot help but notice that the red states have some serious problems that red-state politicians and citizens spend a lot of time carping about. For example, fentanyl addiction, or tainted water supplies, or rural poverty. And when, exactly, was the last time that these things got serious attention from ten different legislatures in the same week?

And this is not just our imagination. The ACLU keeps track of how many anti-LGBTQ bills are introduced in state legislatures each year. When the organization first started tracking, back in 2018, the number was 42. In 2020, it was up to 77, and by last year the total was 180. And do you know how many there have been this year? Four-hundred-and-seventeen! That's an increase of 231%! And it's only April 7. At this pace, the red states will easily push that number past 1,000.

Maybe this is crazy talk, but we are left with the impression that the only things these legislators care about is whipping the base into a frenzy in anticipation of future reelection bids. The only part we're struggling to make sense of, at least in most cases, is why you would want to light a fire under your base in spring 2023 as opposed to, say, summer/fall 2024. (Z)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates