Dem 51
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GOP 49
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Chicago Will Pick a New Mayor Tomorrow

Wisconsin isn't the only place there is an election tomorrow. Chicago will pick a new mayor, as well. One thing is certain, though: The winner will be a Democrat—because the election is a runoff and the top two finishers are both Democrats. But they come from very different wings of the Party, so the race matters.

The top primary finisher, with 32.9% of the vote, was Paul Vallas, who is white. He was CEO of the Chicago schools 1995-2001. Second was Brandon Johnson, with 21.6%, who is Black. He is a Cook County commissioner. Neither of us lives in Chicago so we don't know if Johnson's slogan is "Let's Go Brandon." The current, unpopular mayor, Lori Lightfoot, was third with 16.8% and was eliminated.

Johnson is a teacher and member of the Chicago Teachers Union, which has endorsed him. Vallas has been endorsed by the local police union. Johnson, who is progressive, says the race is about Black labor vs. white wealth. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has endorsed him and campaigned for him in Chicago. So has Jesse Jackson. Vallas says it is about crime and he can handle it better. The local police apparently agree.

In the past week, race has come up a lot. It has become a Black progressive vs. a white moderate in a gentrifying city, but one still full of white ethnic neighborhoods. Vallas came in first in the initial round, but if the supporters of Lightfoot, who is Black, vote for Johnson, that could get him past 50%.

The most recent poll has each candidate at 44%, with 12% undecided. So it could go either way. Black voters prefer Johnson and white voters prefer Vallas. Latinos have a slight preference for Vallas. (V)

This item appeared on Read it Monday through Friday for political and election news, Saturday for answers to reader's questions, and Sunday for letters from readers.                     State polls                     All Senate candidates