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News from the Votemaster

Jefferson Favored in LA-02

Not much political news today due to the holiday weekend. CQ Politics has a story on the runoff in LA-02. This is the district in which Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) was found with $90,000 cold cash in his freezer. He is awaiting trial on bribery and corruption charges. Despite this, he is a prohibitive favorite to win reelection in this majority black district (Jefferson is black). If he goes to jail, there will be a special election. The situation is completely different from the Alaska Senate race due to the racial factor. Being white wasn't enough to save Sen. Ted Stevens but being black will save Jefferson.

Rangel Faces a Dual Threat

Jefferson isn't the only ethically challenged (black) Democrat around. House ways and means chairman Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) faces two potential problems when the new House convenes in January. First he is the target of an ethics investigation. If he is found guilty of any ethical violations, he is in deep doodoo. But even if he isn't, he could face a leadership challenge like the one Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) recently lost to Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA). National Journal has a story on Rangel.