Charlie Cook has a great piece
about the lack of experience of some of the top candidates. He points out that Barack Obama is only
two years removed from the Illinois state Senate and has never had a serious opponent, let alone Karl Rove.
Cook also raises questions about Obama's voting record in Illinois (especially on abortion), questions that
will hound him when the honeymoon with the voters ends.
He goes on to point out that Rudy Giuliani has more baggage than a Samsonite warehouse.
Between his marriage to his cousin, annulment, affairs, second marriage and divorce, and third marriage,
plus liberal social views, is that going to fly in the South? No, according to a top official of the
Southern Baptist Convention.
In addition, a close inspection of 9/11 is going to be painful. The firefighters hate him because he
refused to spend the money on radios that would have saved many firefighters' lives and they are not at
all ashamed of bringing up this subject.
This page is the prototype for 2008. The data and map will refer to previous
elections until serious polls begin in 2008. The blog will be updated when
there is interesting news about the 2008 races.