News from the Votemaster
RNC Outraised DNC in August
The national committees have now reported their August fundraising totals. The RNC raised $10.1 million in August and has $14.5 million in the bank. The DNC raised $7.4 million and has $11 million saved. For the entire cycle (from Jan. 2013), the RNC has raised $150 million and the DNC has raised $133 million. Of course,the Senate and House committees are another story, not to forget the numerous outside groups pouring money into the races. The RNC and DNC money is the most valuable since it can be used for just about anything. As reported earlier, the DSCC raised $7.7 million in August and the NRSC raised $6.1 million in that month.
The Dozen Most Competitive Gubernatorial Races
While nearly all the attention this cycle is on the 36 Senate races (well, actually, on about 6 of them), gubernatorial elections will be held in 36 states in November and many more of them are competitive than the Senate races. The Washington Post has compiled a list of the most likely to flip governor's mansions. Here is the list, from most likely to least likely
- Pennsylvania: Gov. Tom Corbett (R) is dead meat. Tom Wolf (D) will be the next governor
- Arkansas: (open, D) Two former congressman are facing off, but the state is too red for the Democrat
- Maine: Gov. Paul LePage is extremely unpopular but it is a three-way race; any of the three could win
- Connecticut: Gov. Dan Malloy is not popular and is running against a well-funded mini-Mitt, Tom Foley
- (tie) Illinois: Extremely unpopular Gov. Pat Quinn (D) is fighting for his life against a rich Republican
- (tie) Kansas: Gov. Sam Brownback (R) is as unpopular as Quinn and might actually lose in this red state
- Florida: Gov. Rick Scott (R) is running against a former Republican, Charlie Crist, now a Democrat. Close
- Michigan: Unpopular Gov. Rick Snyder (R) is in a tough battle against former congressman Mark Schauer (D)
- Wisconsin: Controversial Gov. Scott Walker survived a recall but may not survive bicycle exec Mary Burke (D)
- Colorado: Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) may be in trouble even though Colorado is sort of bluish
- Georgia: Gov. Nathan Deal (R) is facing Jimmy Carter's grandson, Jason; very tight
- Arizona (open, R) Doug Ducey (R) is barely leading Fred DuVal (D)
Tens of Thousands of Wisconsin Students May Be Turned Away at the Polls
When a panel of three Republican appointees on the 7th Circuit Court reinstated a Wisconsin law last week that restricts voting, it caused a major problem for about 32,000 out-of-state students who study in Wisconsin. The law prohibits the use of out-of-state drivers licenses as valid ID. It also prohibits the use of most student ID cards issued by Wisconsin universities because they do not bear the students' signatures. Many students have complained that they have a valid out-of-state drivers license and also a valid in-state student ID card, but that is not enough to vote. Some universities are scrambling to produce new ID cards that have signatures, but not all students know that they will have to get a new card. Furthermore, the law also specifies that in addition to a new ID card, students will have to bring proof that they are actually currently enrolled at a university in the state, for example, by bringing a tuition receipt. Very few students are likely to know this. The law was nominally an attempt to prevent in-person voter fraud, but there is virtually no evidence that such fraud exists to any measurable degree. The real purpose of the law is to make it harder for constituencies that tend to vote Democratic--such as students--to vote. The law does not address absentee-ballot fraud, which does exist, most likely because that might suppress Republican turnout (traveling businessmen, the elderly, etc.).
Candidates Court Uncle Scrooge
With the economy still not in tip-top shape and the federal deficit ranked as the third-most important issue in a recent Gallup poll, candidates want to make the point that they want the government to pinch its pennies. Since macroeconomics is way above the heads of most voters, a number of candidates are trying to make the point that they are personally cheapskates. In a new ad the wife and mother of Sen. Mark Begich (D-AK) argue about whether Begich is cheap or frugal. Since Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) is attacking his opponent, Mike McFadden, as being an out-of-touch plutocrat, McFadden is fighting back with an ad featuring his son, who says once when his father had stitches, instead of paying a doctor $100 to remove them, he grabbed a pair of scissors and did the job himself. This kind of stunt tends not work if it goes against the person's image. Begich is not rich, so a claim by his wife that he buys $10 shirts is plausible but when someone says the CEO of an investment bank risked an infection to save $100 on a doctor's bill it doesn't ring true.
Kentuckians Don't See McConnell as One of Them but Will Still Vote for Him
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is extremely unpopular in his state and is facing a fairly popular opponent and yet he is likely to win reelection to a sixth term. A new Ipsos poll shows that only 11% of the voters in his state see him as a real Kentuckian,yet he leads secretary of state Alison Lundergan Grimes 46% to 42% in the poll. Part of McConnell's success is that he has a huge amount of corporate money flowing in, in no small part because if he is reelected and the Republicans take the Senate, he will become majority leader. That plus the fact that Kentucky is a deep red state might be enough for McConnell to survive, even though his constituents really dislike him.
Gabby Giffords Enters Campaign Mode--for Other Democrats
Former representative Gabby Giffords recovered from a near-fatal gunshot wound to the head, which made her a heroine to many people. While she is not running for office herself, she has made attack ads against candidates who oppose gun control. In particular she is hammering Martha McSally, who is running for Giffords' old seat. The ads feature people whose daughters were killed by someone who probably couldn't have passed a background check, had one been required. McSally's opponent is Rep. Ron Barber (D-AZ), Giffords' former aide, who himself was also wounded in the attack on Giffords, so the ads are quite personal for him.
Today's Senate Polls
State | Democrat | D % | Republican | R % | I | I % | Start | End | Pollster |
Michigan | Gary Peters | 42% | Terri Land | 39% | Sep 18 | Sep 19 | We Ask America |
* Denotes incumbent
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---The Votemaster
Sep21 Democrats Try to Woo Older Voters with Social Security
Sep21 Getting Dressed Is Tricky--If You Are a Female Politician
Sep19 No More Hanging Chads
Sep19 Control of the Senate May Not Be Known on Election Day
Sep19 Oppo Research Is Front and Center
Sep19 Abortion Dominates Colorado Senate Race
Sep19 Election Reform Measures Are on the Ballot in Five States
Sep18 Republicans Gaining Strength on Generic Ballot Question
Sep18 Can Conservative Cities Save the Republicans?
Sep18 GOP Plans to Use Abortion to Raise Turnout
Sep18 Maybe More Hats in the 2016 Ring
Sep18 Perry Attacks Mexican President
Sep17 Kansas Supreme Court Hears Oral Arguments in Taylor Withdrawal Case
Sep17 Even Voters Helped by the ACA Will Vote to Repeal It
Sep17 Michael Grimm Leading on Staten Island Despite Indictments
Sep17 Campaigns Are Even More Negative than Before
Sep17 Would Susana Martinez Be the Best Republican Veep Candidate?
Sep17 Many Candidates Who Were Supposed to Win Didn't
Sep16 Hagan Pulling Ahead of Tillis in North Carolina
Sep16 Early Voting is Already Here
Sep16 Democrats Are on the Offensive in the Culture Wars
Sep16 Republicans Dream Big about Governing with a Senate Majority
Sep16 Senate Republicans Are Undermining House Republicans
Sep16 Rand Paul Dumps Unpopular Ideas in Run-up to 2016
Sep16 Martin O'Malley Seriously Considering a Run for Vice President
Sep15 Democrats Outspending Republicans in Iowa Senate Race
Sep15 Landrieu Reimburses Government for Campaign Travel
Sep15 Political Insiders Care about Data and Spending
Sep15 Can You Be Too Conservative in Kansas?
Sep15 Residency Becoming an Issue in More Senate Races
Sep15 Sanders Releases His 2016 Platform
Sep15 Clinton is Busy Plotting Strategy
Sep15 Democrats Outspending Republicans in Iowa Senate Race
Sep15 Landrieu Reimburses Government for Campaign Travel
Sep15 Political Insiders Care about Data and Spending
Sep15 Sanders Releases His 2016 Platform
Sep14 Clinton Leads in Iowa
Sep14 Ernst Refuses to Pick Sides
Sep14 Silicon Valley Fights for Campaign Finance Reform
Sep14 Wendy Davis' Book Injects Abortion into Texas Politics
Sep13 Wisconsin May Enforce Voter ID Law in November
Sep13 Ohio May Not Enforce Early Voting Law in November
Sep13 Landrieu Campaigned 136 Times on Official Trips over 18 Years
Sep13 Voters Who Dislike Obama May Not Necessarily Vote for Republicans
Sep13 Democrats Have a Path to Hold the Senate
Sep13 Hillary Clinton to visit Iowa Tomorrow
Sep13 Measure to Split Up California Fails to Make the Ballot
Sep12 Page with All Senate Races is Now Complete
Sep12 Control of the Senate May Come Down to North Carolina